Why do muslims keep beard

Why do muslims keep beard

Many people like beard and many people does not.But do you know why do Muslims keep beard?? In this article you will get full information First of all you should know why does men have beard and women do not.Have you ever think about this question?? God has send men and women into this earth.It…

Why do Muslims were Cap

Why do Muslims were Cap

Hi friend today in this article we will talk about one important topic. Why do Muslims were Cap? As all of you know that all the Muslims around the world worship Allah. And all the Muslims around the world follow the last Messengers of Allah, that is Muhammed(Peace be upon him). Allah says in the…

Why is it necesorry to marry

Why is it necesorry to marry

Marraige is a important part of life. Without having married, a persons faces lots of problem in day to day life. For a successfull man, there plays an important role of his wife. And for a successfull women, there plays an important role of her husband.They are made for eachother. Some men finds marriage as…