Alauddin Khalji is known for defending India from Mongol invasions
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Alauddin Khalji is known for defending India from Mongol invasions

His forces fight against mongols and made decisive victory near the bank of ravi river. Military commanders include zafar Khan, Ulugh Khan and Malik Kafur successfully led his army against the Mongols. Alauddin Khalji was an emperor of the Khalji dynasty. He ruled the Delhi Sultanate.He reign from year 1296 to 1316. The administrative area…

How to overcome your tension

Tension is a serious problem now a days.It impacts bad effects to our health. Taking too much tension can cause health hazzards like high blood pressure,hyper tension,brain damage,sleepless night. Why does man/women take tension The main causes of tension is thinking too much about the problem which is not solved. Thinking about the problem day…